
Prescriptions Overview

To order your repeat prescription(s), you can:

  • use the NHS App to request medication and collect from your nominated pharmacy, or if available, arrange delivery.
  • Alternatively, patients may post their prescription request in the post box at any of our surgeries. These are checked regularly throughout the day.

If you have not already nominated a pharmacy, please use the NHS App, contact the practice, or visit your chosen pharmacy and ask them to sign you up for EPS prescriptions. Please note doing this WILL NOT order your prescription – you will still need to choose one of the methods above.

We would also ask that you order your medication in plenty of time, and allow 4 working days for a prescription to arrive at your nominated pharmacy.

How do I order my Repeat Prescriptions?

The quickest, easiest and most secure way to order your repeat medication is by using Online Services – ie. the NHS App. These services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

When ordering online, your request goes directly into the medical records system for authorisation, reducing capacity for error. Once received, your request will be signed by a GP and then sent to your nominated pharmacy.

Get started with the NHS App

Handing in a Paper Slip

If you cannot use online services, you can hand in a paper slip containing the details of your prescription(s) at one of our surgeries. Post it in the prescription box outside the surgery, or hand it in at reception.

Please make sure you write the request as clearly as possible and include the following information:

  • The full name of the individual the request is for.
  • The date of birth of the individual the request is for.
  • The name of the medication.
  • The dosage of the medication.

Please order in plenty of time of your medications running out if using this method, as there may be a delay due to legibility. Our Medicines Management Team will also need to check that you have ordered your prescription correctly.

Asking Your Pharmacy to Order on Your Behalf

Most patients can no longer ask a pharmacy to order their medication on their behalf. This option is only available to those who receive a tray/ dosette box/ pouch pack from their pharmacy.

We also recognise that some patients may still require assistance with ordering their repeat prescriptions. In certain circumstances, and with the agreement of the GP practice, the pharmacy may carry on ordering on the patient’s behalf. If a family member or carer knows someone who they think needs help ordering prescriptions they should speak to the practice or pharmacy as soon as possible.

This will reduce the number of wasted medications which costs the NHS millions every year.

Timeframes for Ordering Repeat Prescriptions

Please order your repeat prescriptions at least four full working days before you wish to collect them.  Requesting prescriptions at short notice can cause extra work for staff and clinicians and causes delays for other patients.

You need to allow extra time to process your prescription if the items you require are not on your repeat medication list as this often has to be approved by your GP.

Details of expected time-frames are shown below:

OrderReady to Collect
Monday before 12.00pmFriday after 2.00pm
Tuesday before 12.00pmMonday after 2.00pm
Wednesday before 12.00pmTuesday after 2.00pm
Thursday before 12.00pmWednesday after 2.00pm
Friday before 12.00pmThursday after 2.00pm

Nominated Pharmacy

When you have nominated a pharmacy to collect your prescription from:

  • Your prescription will go straight to your nominated pharmacy as soon as it is signed off by the GP practice. 
  • You may not have to wait as long at the pharmacy as there will be time for your repeat prescriptions to be ready before you arrive.

You can set or change your nominated pharmacy through the NHS App. Alternatively, you can contact the practice for further information and to nominate your pharmacy.

Prescription Queries

If you have any queries about your prescription, you can contact us on 01524 238150 (Monday to Friday between 8:30am – 12:30pm and 1pm – 5pm). Please select option 4 to speak to a member of the Medicines Management team.

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to speak to a member of the clinical team at least once a year to review repeat medications.

Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.

Annual reviews will take place during your birth month.

Page last reviewed: March 24th, 2025
Next review due: June 2nd, 2025